Duke Durham Neighborhood Partnership: 2021 Projects
Morehead Hill is an active participant in the Duke Durham Neighborhood Partnership (DDNP), in which 18 central Durham neighborhoods are working together to improve life in Durham, with support from Duke. For details on the Duke Durham Neighborhood Partnership, visit: Duke Office of Durham & Community Affairs
Our part in the partnership at this time is to take action in our neighborhood to implement priorities identified in previous steps. The top priority is
People First Development. The related ideas illustrated below were generated by DDNP participants. Our immediate task is to develop two projects we can do this year in Morehead Hill that build on one or more of these ideas. See bottom of this page for a text-only version of the chart shown below.
Proposed project 1: Neighborhood Boundaries
Let us together re-examine the boundaries of our neighborhood and consider updating same. Our present boundaries are defined in our Morehead Hill Neighborhood Association bylaws. These boundaries are used in the online Durham Neighborhood Compass (see Durham Neighborhood Compass (durhamnc.gov)) to display all sorts of data about our neighborhood. We need to update the boundaries to include (or exclude) recent new housing developments and other properties not currently included within our neighborhood boundaries to more accurately reflect the people who actually live here.
Project leader: Bruce Mitchell
Proposed Project 2: [insert your idea here!]
Looking at the ideas above for advancing People First Development, can you think of a project we can do this year in Morehead Hill? And would you be willing to lead such a project? If so, please be sure to include your name and email address below....
What do you think?
Thank you for your feeedback.
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Text-only version of the chart shown above, with typos corrected: