2021-22 MHNA Board Election

2020 MHNA Board Election

These are the MHNA board members elected in October 2019, re-nominated for 2020 election:

- President: Bruce Mitchell

- Vice President: Rochelle Araujo

- Treasurer: Susan Callaghan

- Secretary: Ken Macdonald 

- PAC 3 (Partners Against Crime, District 3): [This position remains OPEN - please email moreheadhill@gmail.com if interested] 

- QOL (Southwest Central Durham Quality of Life): Gary Ander 

- INC (Inter-Neighborhood Council): Rochelle Araujo

At Large board members:

- Jeff Ensminger

- Ben White 

- [This position remains OPEN - please email moreheadhill@gmail.com if interested]

- [This position remains OPEN - please email moreheadhill@gmail.com if interested] 

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